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Cactus’ TAURUS Mission Gets Boost from European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected our project, TAURUS, for the development of an advanced 5G NR Software-Defined Radio (SDR) modem under the “Space for 5G” Strategic Programmatic Lines. This initiative is part of the Connectivity & Secure Communications (CSC) and ARTES programme. TAURUS is also receiving support from the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and IMEC (IMEC R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies), further highlighting ESA and Belgian collaborations in space innovation.

Key Objectives:

Our TAURUS modem is designed to be cloud-native and ready for deployment across a diverse range of hardware platforms. Whether in the cloud, at the edge, or within a fixed or mobile terminal, TAURUS offers unmatched flexibility and adaptability. This ESA-supported project is a significant step forward in 5G NR SDR modem development, contributing to the technological advancements in space communications.

Tensor Defined Radio Components:

Powered by Cactus’s proprietary Tensor Defined Radio technology, TAURUS integrates innovative features that ensure enhanced performance, reliability, and efficiency for critical wireless modem functions like decoding. This breakthrough in ESA space technology sets a new benchmark in space communications and space innovation in Europe.

A Milestone in Cactus’s Space Roadmap:

ESA’s selection of Cactus for this project is a major milestone in our space roadmap activities, underscoring our commitment to pushing technological boundaries and contributing to the advancement of space exploration.

For detailed insights into this groundbreaking project, visit the ESA’s official page.

#ESASpaceTechnology #5GNRSDRModemDevelopment #ESASupportedProjects #SpaceInnovationInEurope #ESAandBelgianCollaborations

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