Cactus can help your business benefit from AI through "StartAI", the AI program of Agoria and Vlaio

Cactus can help your business leverage AI and get more of your data through “StartAI,” an initiative by Agoria and Vlaio.

Cactus has been certified as a partner in Agoria’s Start AI: Get More Out of Your Data with Artificial Intelligenceprogram. This initiative, under the Flemish Industry Partnership, is designed to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) explore and harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science within their business operations. 

About the “Start AI” Program 

“Start AI” aims to guide companies in understanding how to leverage data and AI technologies to drive innovation and efficiency. Participating businesses that meet specific criteria can receive hands-on mentorship from experienced AI and data professionals. The program focuses on practical applications, ensuring companies can implement AI solutions that provide real value. 

The “Start AI” program is designed for companies looking to make more effective use of their data. It offers a three-day individual coaching session with AI and data experts who provide practical, hands-on guidance. During these sessions, companies will: 

  • Identify relevant AI and data opportunities. 
  • Understand the potential impact on business processes. 
  • Identify key stakeholders for their AI journey. 
  • Gain tools to estimate the ROI of AI projects. 
  • Complete the European Digital Maturity Assessment. 
  • Potential Projects and Benefits 

The program helps businesses explore a range of projects, such as optimizing production resources, enhancing customer experiences, and improving workplace safety. Companies can also use AI for predictive maintenance, financial fraud detection, and document management automation. 

Eligibility and Participation 

The program is open to SMEs and larger companies based in Flanders, with a focus on those willing to develop internal and external AI capabilities. Companies must have a company number, involve decision-makers, and agree to financial participation conditions. 

Cactus’s Role and Expertise 

As a certified partner, Cactus offers specialized knowledge and experience in AI and data science. Our Cactai team is equipped to assist companies in identifying opportunities regarding AI integration and maximizing the potential of their data. We provide tailored guidance to help businesses achieve their strategic objectives through advanced technologies. 

Get Involved and Learn More 

To learn more about the “Start AI” program and how it can benefit your business, visit the official program page here (Dutch/FR). For personalized assistance, book a call with Mathias Everaert here to discuss your specific needs and how Cactus can support your journey in AI and data science. 

Join us in unlocking new opportunities and driving growth through the power of AI and data! 

About Agoria

Agoria, previously known as Fabrimetal, is a Belgian employers’ organization and member of the Federation of Belgian Enterprises. Agoria connects over 1900 technologically inspired companies active in Belgium (2019) that strive for progress based on the development or application of innovations. Their goal is to increase the success of their member companies and ensure their environmental sustainability.

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