Seven Tips on How to Successfully Implement Technology

implement technology

Before you and your company jump headlong into new digital world when buying new tech, think about your goals. Increasing the productivity, efficiency, and performance of your business are a big deal and a hard task. But the implementation of new technology can accomplish that – no matter what the size of your company. With […]

“Investing in HR Technology is Not the Same as Digital Transformation”

digital transformation

“If you put 20 executives in a room and ask them to define ‘digital’, you are guaranteed to get 20 different answers,” says Anand Eswaran, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Services and Microsoft Digital. That’s the reality: most companies’ leaders feel overwhelmed by technology, and they’re not sure where to begin or how much money […]

CactusSoft Successfully Completed the New Zealand Project BookMy.Pet


“CactusSoft blew us away with their proposal for our website development so much that we’ve discarded all other options when choosing our development partner,” said Laurence Smith, СЕО of Software Revolutions. In October, Laurence and his company are launching BookMy.Pet – a New Zealand portal which helps pet owners book suitable appointments for grooming, boarding […]

15 Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Software Development Company

Choosing the right software development company for your business is like finding the right person to marry. A reliable provider will help your business to grow and you personally to thrive. So usually a collaboration with a good provider doesn’t end with the development of one product, and in some cases lasts for decades. But […]

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