Create CocoaPod Using Swift


Every project starts with an architecture and reusable components that help us to develop mobile applications much faster. In this article you will learn how to create a simple CocoaPod framework using Swift language. What you need Open terminal and go into project folder 2. Write your code Click here to see the example. 3. Submit your […]

Part 6: Continuous Integration and Delivery Process (Fastlane + Jenkins)

How many times do you need to build your app for DEV, QA, STAGE, PREPROD, PROD, etc. environments? So much time is wasted on building an .ipa file, uploading it to Crashlytics (HockeyApp, TestFlight, etc.), notifying the QA team about the latest build, etc. To my mind,  to be successful means spending your time on actual […]

iOS Best Practices. Part 4: S.O.L.I.D.

iOS Best Practices. Part 4: S.O.L.I.D.

As a continuation of Part 3: Architecture Let’s talk about S.O.L.I.D. principles and how they can be applied in Swift. S – The Single Responsibility Principle Too strong class This class works with logic, makes network requests and does navigation work. So, let’s simplify it and rework it using The Single Responsibility Principle. O – Open-Closed Principle (OCP) It’s a principle […]

iOS Best Practices. Part 3: Architecture

iOS Best Practices. Part 3: Architecture

As a continuation of Part 2: Swift Code Style Never believe in “let’s do it quickly and then refactor it”. Let’s talk about common architecture design patterns. We started with VIPER design. Why?It’s the best practice to decompose your system into a lot of small, single-responsibility blocks – it’s simple and doesn’t require a lot of time.Many people […]

iOS Best Practices. Part 2: Swift Code Style


The previous article: Part 1: Objective-C Code Style  In this article you will learn how to write code for mobile apps in Swift language. About US: Since 2007, CactusSoft has developed hundreds of mobile applications. We offer full-cycle mobile software engineering that also incorporates server-side implementation. With our solid expertise in Android, iOS, Windows Phone and HTML5 […]

iOS Best Practices. Part 1: Objective-C Code Style

Ios development

Every day more and more people become developers. Of course, iOS development is a trend now. Common sense in programming says that we should write readable code. The code we leave should be easily understandable and supportable by each and every programmer. 1. The first important thing is the Code Style Start from Code Style I started […]

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